1993 Movies
True Romance (1993) Filming Locations
True Romance (1993) Filming Locations
Where was Clarence & Alabama’s hide-out?
The Safari Inn located in Burbank, California
visit this location on google street view: 1911 W Olive Ave, Burbank, CA 91506
Fun Film Fact: Monk (episode 8.1) was filmed at this same location.
Where was the Detroit Cinema?
Vista Theater on Sunset in Hollywood, California
google street view > 4473 Sunset Dr, Hollywood, CA 90027
They Eat The Pie
Rae’s Restaurant on Pico
google street view > 2901 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405
Fun Film Facts: This location can also be seen in Bowfinger / Win a Date With Tad Hamilton / The Lords of Dogtown
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‘True Romance’
When: 9/10/1993,
Starring: Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Dennis Hopper
Written By: Quentin Tarantino
Directed By: Tony Scott
First Published May 10, 2017, 9:55am
Behind The Scenes | It Was Filmed Here | Where Was It Filmed