Valley Girl (1983) Filming Locations
Where was The classic 1983 movie “Valley Girl” was filmed?
Many filming locations can be found in the real Valley called the San Fernando Valley, located just north of Los Angeles.
Where was the Mall seen in Valley Girl?
The Sherman Oaks Galleria that’s located in Sherman Oaks, California (map it: 15301 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403)
- Updated August 2021: We didn’t film the mall scenes at the Sherman Oaks Galleria, we filmed those scenes at the Foothill Mall
Tip courtesy of Heidi Holicker “STACEY” in Valley Girl, seen below on the left.
Fun Film Fact: The Sherman Oaks Galleria was completely re-constructed into an outdoor mall after the 1994 earthquake
Where’s the “Party house” used in the film?
The house is located in Canoga Park aka West Hills, California (google street view 23727 Posey Lane Canoga Park, CA 91304)
Where is Julie’s house located?
The home of Julie Richman was actually located in Sherman Oaks, California (google street view 3907 Dixie Canyon Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA)
Where were the High School and Prom scenes filmed?
Harvard Westlake School in Studio City. (google street view 3700 Coldwater Canyon Ave. Studio City, CA)
Starring: Heidi Holicker, Nicolas Cage, Deborah Foreman, Elizabeth Daily
Directed By: Martha Coolidge
Written By: Wayne Crawford, Andrew Lane
Release Date: 04/29/1983
A girl named Julie from the valley meets a punk named Randy from the city
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Behind The Scenes | It Was Filmed Here | Where Was It Filmed?