2018 Movies
911 Season 2 Los Angeles Filming Locations
“911” is an American procedural drama television series that premiered on Fox in 2018. The series follows the lives of first responders, including police officers, firefighters, and dispatchers, as they navigate high-stress situations and try to save lives in Los Angeles.
Season 2 of “911” was filmed in several locations throughout Los Angeles. The show utilized a variety of real-life locations to give the series a sense of authenticity and realism. Some notable filming locations include:
The Earthquake / Weinstein scene was filmed at the Marriot W Hotel located on Hollywood Blvd.
view on google street: 6250 Hollywood Blvd, CA 90028
Updated September 2018
911 Season “2” is currently filming in Chatsworth, CA
our thanks to “gman” for the tip
Downtown Los Angeles
unknown locations – Got a Tip?
‘9-1-1 season 2’
When: 2018, FOX
Starring: Charles Baker, Brielle Barbusca, Angela Bassett
Produced By: Ryan Murphy
First Published Nov. 14, 2017, 9:55am
Behind The Scenes | It Was Filmed Here | Where Was It Filmed?
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