2016 TV Series
Diesel Brothers: TV Series (2016 – ) Filming Locations – Discovery Channel
Diesel Brothers: TV Series (2016 – ) Filming Locations – Discovery Channel
The TV series “Diesel Brothers” is about a group of narly dudes that build some of the sickest custom Diesel Trucks in the world. These guys, Heavy D, Diesel Dave, The Muscle and Redbeard all make their contribution to building these amazing machines. Filming locations in Utah, the Diesel Brothers have quickly gained popularity due to their outrageous builds. If you have ever wanted a diesel truck these are the guys to go to.
Even if you know this address you will most likely need to make an appointment before visiting the shop. And to be on TV you will need to further apply for that. We are not sure how the show is produced, but we assume each ride is chosen by a crew that decides whether or not to use the truck they made or not on an episode of the show. You can get in contact with the show by visiting their Discovery.com page.
Where is Diesel Brothers the TV series filmed?
You can find Sparks Motors Garage located in Woods Cross, Utah quite literally in the middle of nowhere. This shop hosts the show and their entire business (including online adventures). The exact address of the shop Sparks Motors Garage is 1955 W Woods Cross, UT 84087.
Visit this location on google street view > 1955 W Woods Cross, UT 84087
YouTube Trailer:
Chuck Norris in Diesel Brothers? Yep. He was a full-on cameo in one of the episodes where they drive around a Jeep he wanted created.
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‘Diesel Brothers’
When: 1/14/2016, Discovery Channel
Starring: Heavy D, Diesel Dave, The Muscle, Redbeard (Guest Starred Chuck Norris)
First Published Sep 22, 2016, 9:25am
Behind The Scenes | It Was Filmed Here | Where Was It Filmed?
Go to dieselsellerz.com or sparkstrucks.com for more info,
Casting Info: There is no casting for this show except for the fact that you could end up on the show if you would want a diesel truck built or if you have a truck you would like featured! As we mentioned, it wouldn’t be wise to go storming into the shop but you could possibly make an appointment or call ahead! Go to dieselsellerz.com or sparkstrucks.com for more info
July 28, 2018 at 8:28 am
Woods Cross is a small suburb but it is hardly “quite literally in the middle.of nowhere”. It’s only a ten minute drive to Salt Lake City. Y’all need to get out more.